Friday, January 17, 2014

Quiltyfish vs Retirement or an Agoraphobe attempts to lose the subjunctive.

It's been nearly 2 years since I posted here. Been spending time on Facebook and Pinterest waffling about retiring and being annoyed about minor insurance silliness. (Silly because no claims are involved and no one so far has been harmed by the inefficiency of what to many is life support)..... Anyway this does appear to be a more appropriate venue for longer posts.

Let's bring you all up to date. The above wall hanging designed by Donna French Collins shows Spike's trip to the beach.  I am Spike. The story is how my career in telemedicine came to an abrupt end.  The truth is, Spike has better color than I do but, unlike Spike, I was not alone when that school of Philips blue piranhas arrived.

I recently listened to a series of TED talks that NPR has combined into a Podcast named Spoken and Unspoken.  If you go to you can still listen to it. I was especially intrigued by the section by Phuc Tran, " Does the Subjunctive Have a Dark Side? " This really got to me. If a whole culture can survive without the woulda, coulda, shoulda that keeps many of us awake far too long some nights, why can't I ?

This will all make more sense as time goes on and if it doesn't, well just move on. There's someone out there for us all to follow.

Today I will end with  Caren's Rules of Retirement  So Far

1) Do not go into hermit mode and let the agoraphobia win
2) Do regular community service
3) Organize, clear out or clean something every day
4) Do something fun/creative everyday
5) Eliminate the subjunctive

All that stuff about eating right, regular exercise and flossing come under Rules of Good Health and have no place here right now.

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