April 9
St. Mary of Egypt, St Casilda( invoked against bad luck, sterility)
Dyngus Day (Look it up if you don’t know !)., Winston Churchill Day, Name Yourself Day
Louisiana claimed for France and named by Robert Cavelier Sieur de la Salle 1682
James Cook arrived in Botany Bat 1770
Concorde made 1st test flight 1969
I know you are expecting pictures here but this is orientation week so until I get on some kind of schedule, some of these will just have to be pictureless.... cb
Efrem Zimbalist 1889
Paul Robeson 1898
Hugh Hefner 1926
Day of Excess
Meditation: There is always someone “ better”.
Fletcher Christian sent off William Bligh,
Without charts or a means of supply,
In a small open boat.
Forty-six days afloat!
But the blighter neglected to die.
Without charts or a means of supply,
In a small open boat.
Forty-six days afloat!
But the blighter neglected to die.
unless otherwise noted the limericks are all from www.speedysnail.com/limerick
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