Thursday, October 27, 2011

Class of 61 Chapter 8 - the day before our 2nd annual Pizza party

Today's pictures are from Jack Dickau's collection....much better than mine...

Make new friends

But keep the old

One is silver

And the other gold

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Class of 61 Part 7 Library and Lockers

I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. ~Anna Quindlen, "Enough Bookshelves," New York Times, 7 August 1991
I like the top shot because it shows Mr Gerald Kerr standing in front of his portrait in the library now named for him. When we were in school that area was the principal's office and he was our 2nd principal.   Our 1st was Augustus W. Young .(Not sure if I have that initial right but what the heck) . By the time the "new" building was finished he was gone and Mr. Kerr had arrived. I only have a fuzzy memory of Mr Young....a stern man in a dark suit possibly with dark hair and a mustache. I do more clearly remember the day he came to give our 2nd grade class a pep talk about learning cursive writing with our new ball point pens. He told us that writing was like ballet dancing.  

Trouble with any song about a locker is finding the right key.......